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Winter Car Kit Essentials

Today we are going to take a look at winter car kit essentials to help you prepare for the upcoming season.

At Hansma Automative we have over 30 years of experience working with all types of vehicles and all types of vehicle problems. We would love to put our experience to work for you to help keep you safe on the roads!

We’ll take a closer look at what you should have in your winter car kit and how each item can help you in an emergency. We'll also provide you with safety tips if you get stranded. So let’s get started.

Here’s a checklist of the items to include in your winter car kit

Winter Car Kit Checklist - Items to Keep Inside Your Vehicle

Canada's winter climate can be challenging, especially when you have to drive in it. The following is a list of items that you should keep in your car at all times, especially during the winter season.


You can wrap yourself in a warm blanket if you are stuck in the cold for any length of time.


In addition to food, you should have a supply of water stored in bottles that aren't going to burst if the water freezes. Fill your own sturdy bottles and leave room at the top for expansion. Replace the water inside with a fresh supply every few weeks.


You should have a supply of food that won't spoil such as energy bars or dried fruit in case you are stuck in your vehicle for a long period of time.

Your winter car kit should include some food that won’t spoil easily

Winter Clothing:

It's a good idea to have extra, warm clothing in the car especially some warm boots, sweaters, etc.

First Aid Kit:

Keep a first aid kit within easy access and make sure that it is well stocked. It is a good idea to check it out and re-fill it if necessary before winter begins.

Small Shovel, Scraper, and Snowbrush:

These are necessities that you will need to use anytime it snows so that you can properly clean off the outside of your vehicle and dig your tires out of the snow if necessary.

Seat-belt Cutter:

Have a seat-belt cutter within easy reach in the front seat so that you can have it to quickly cut yourself free in an emergency situation.

A seat-belt cutter is a great tool to include in your winter car kit - see why in this video

Candle and Matches:

Place a candle in a deep can and have a bunch of matches in a water tight container so that you have a source of heat and light if you are stranded in the dark.


A whistle is a great idea for letting rescuers know where you are, especially in the height of a storm when visibility is a challenge.


When your GPS is out, a road map is the next best thing to help you know where you are and to advise rescuers of your location.

Wind-up Flashlight:

There is nothing worse than trying to use a flashlight and discovering that the batteries are dead. A wind-up version will ensure that it is always ready to go when you need it.

Keep a wind-up flashlight in your winter car kit - Image source: Amazon

Winter Car Kit Checklist - Items to Keep in Your Trunk

In addition to the above items, you should also keep the following winter car kit items in your trunk:

Sand, Salt, or Non-Clumping Cat Litter:

These materials can be spread on the ground behind or in front of your tires to give you traction if you are stuck in the snow or on an icy surface.

Antifreeze and Windshield Washer Fluid:

You want to make sure that you have lots of extra fluid so that you don't run out when you need it.

Tow Rope:

This is handy if you need to get or give someone else a tow.

Jumper Cables:

It's a good idea to have jumper cables in your vehicle all year round. You never know when your battery will need a boost.

Learn how to boost your car with jumper cables

Fire Extinguisher:

You don't want to be in a situation where you will need one, but it could be a lifesaver for you.

Warning Light or Road Flares:

If you are stranded on the side of the road, a warning light or road flare will help other drivers see you and avoid hitting you.

What to Do if You Are Stranded in the Snow

Here is some very helpful advice if you find yourself stranded in the snow.

Stay in Your Vehicle: Resist the temptation to leave your vehicle and try to go for help. Your car will provide you with the shelter you will need from the cold. Stay calm and wait for help to come.

If you get stranded, stay inside your vehicle

Pace Yourself: Trying to shovel in the extreme cold could be deadly. If you must shovel, go at a easy pace and take regular breaks.

Get Fresh Air: If you need to let in some fresh air, open a window on the side of your vehicle that is sheltered against the wind.

Turn off Your Engine: Running your engine could put you and your passengers at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. If you turn on your engine, do so for short periods of time and make sure that your exhaust pipe is clear of any snow.

Light Your Candle: Use your candle in a deep can as a source of heat instead of your car engine.

Use Your Hazards: If you don't have a warning light or road flares to place next to your vehicle, turn on your hazards to make your presence known to other cars.

Keep Moving: Try to keep moving your hands, feet and arms as much as possible to keep you circulation going. Also, try to stay awake.

Keep Dry: If your clothes are wet, it can lead to a dangerous loss of body heat.

Watch for Help: Keep a lookout for other cars and emergency responders.

Keep Your Vehicle Well-Maintained - Especially in winter

Get your vehicle maintained regularly

Our final tip for staying safe in the winter is to make sure that you keep your vehicle well-maintained. You should make sure you vehicle is in good repair, especially during the winter months when being stranded is particularly dangerous. Make sure that:

  • Your tires are properly inflated

  • That you have kept up with the regular maintenance on your vehicle

  • That your snow tires have plenty of tread on them

  • You have a winter car kit in your vehicle

Trust Hansma to Keep Your Car Well Maintained

If you live in the Kitchener-Waterloo region and you want to get your vehicle ready for driving in snow, Hansma Automotive can help. You can trust Hansma with all of your car’s maintenance and repairs.

As a Tech-Net professional auto repair facility, Hansma Automotive is committed to serving you, our customer, with professional auto service repair at a reasonable cost.

We use quality CARQUEST auto parts, guaranteed coast to coast. We stand on sound business principles and uphold high ethical standards. Our goal is to make your automotive repair experience friendly and successful.

By providing good, old-fashioned customer service over the years, Hansma Automotive has gained a loyal following in the community.

Many hundreds of area residents have come to depend on our team and rely on the technical expertise of our friendly staff to keep their family vehicles in peak running condition. Book an appointment now.